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Home » Ertl , Ertl Collectibles , Hobbies , Hobby , Toy » Hot 1:64 New HollAnd T7040 Tractor With Mower - Give It a Look!

Hot 1:64 New HollAnd T7040 Tractor With Mower - Give It a Look!

I do not question the capability of Ertl to deliver such a high-quality product such as this one. This unique releases had the potential and reputation within the Hobbies category that is fairly no surprise for such a great product. On this particular site you will find all the important info about the product, such as the lowest price deals, available price reduction and lastly also include product basic information like description of product and attributes. Simply stick to our supplied button below.

As reported by the producer, the product weight is estimated for approximatelyprior to shipment and then followed by 6.40 inches x 3.00 inches x 2.00 inches, and that's stand for the product length, width and height accordingly.

FYI, the opt-in color available for this product is Black, but there's possibility for further new colours at the product sales page by clicking on one of our button. Just give it a look. Go here for further accessible color styles

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