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Home » Ertl , Toy , Toys And Games » Very Affordable Ertl IH 1460 Combine Diecast Vehicle, 1:64-Scale - Take a Look!

Very Affordable Ertl IH 1460 Combine Diecast Vehicle, 1:64-Scale - Take a Look!

As one of Ertl superb production, I'm convinced just how this particular Ertl Ih 1460 Combine Diecast Vehicle, 1:64 Scale might satisfy their audiences, specially the one who search for top quality Toys And Games product. Further, we'll go on to talk about all crucial points about this product, from the basic details such as product characteristics, description of product, etc, till the info about the best selling price accessible as well as any possible price cut; by simply using our special button right here.

Moreover, the product dimensions is as this; 7.40 inches in length,in width, 6.50 inches in height, withoverall weight prior to packed. I highly recommend you use these numbers side-by-side with the previous product illustrations above and have better awareness concerning the product precise dimension and proportion.

As per Ertl announcement, in the mean time, the available product colour they offer is Red, but there's often chance to put more different colour in the near future, as a way to give their purchaser with better option. Check here for even more available colours

If you want to read about what the earlier shopper states concerning the discussed product and what they real experience, easily continue with the provided link here. This is certainly necessary to have a full and genuine reference that one could definitely trust which eventually avoid yourself to get shucked by a bad and low quality product and all the problems when we choose to send it back and request money back guarantee.

If you wish to comeback later, make sure you take advantage of the add-to-cart function on the Buy Button below, and so you do not need to browse this amazing product from the start throughout our page. Do not be afraid, no charge might be created and you could definitely take out the product from you shopping cart whenever you want.


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