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Home » Ertl , Learning Curve , Toy , Toys And Games » Popular 8" Case IH MX305 Tractor With Ripper - Take a Peek!

Popular 8" Case IH MX305 Tractor With Ripper - Take a Peek!

Our recent review will be about this Ertl innovation called 8" Case Ih Mx305 Tractor With Ripper. This is the amazing delivery by Ertl in the Toys And Games category. We will try to look all the details regarding the product main attribute, including product colors, dimensions, and so on; on intention to offer a fair and unbiased review to you and all our loyal readers, and so let's start shall we?

As an additional details alongside the product illustrations earlier mentioned, you should refers to these numbers in order to identify the product actual dimension and size. It's got 14.00 inches long,wide, 4.00 inches high and features weight for approximately .

Concerning the product colors, the presented color currently is Green, but there's should be much more approaching color selections later on. All you should do is regularly check out at the product website using one of our button just below. Follow me for even more accessible colors

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For your information, by placing this awesome product to your basket using the Buy Button just below, you can always return afterwards and purchase it without being worried to miss track on the product. Feel safe, no charge might be deducted in this steps and you may definitely drop it from your shopping cart at any time.


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