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Reliable 1:64 IH 6388 2+2 Tractor - Take a Look!

Now, we will begin our topic concerning this product; received from Ertl, among the list of product that own the potential to be a success within Toys And Games category. As you may continue, you'll find all the important information which include product characteristics along with brief description, the info concerning the lowest price and potential discount, etc. Just stick to the special URL we have provided.

As reported by the manufacturer, the particular product weight is estimated for aroundbefore shipping and associated with 3.70 inches x 2.50 inches x 2.00 inches, and that is speak for the product length, width and height accordingly.

The available picked color for this product is Red & White, to get more colors, I recommend you to check out the product sales page below and discover how many colour are obtainable from this Ertl product. Check out for more available colors

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