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Home » Hobbies , Hobby , Norscot , Toy » Well Built Norscot Cat Twenty Track-Type Tractor with metal tracks 1:16 scale - Available Now!

Well Built Norscot Cat Twenty Track-Type Tractor with metal tracks 1:16 scale - Available Now!

Today, let's start our discussion about this Norscot Cat Twenty Track Type Tractor With Metal Tracks 1:16 Scale; received from Norscot, among the list of product which own the potential to become a success within Hobbies category. As you may continue, you will find all the information and facts including product characteristics along with quick description, the information regarding the cheapest price and even possible price reduction, etc. Simply follow through the special URL we've supplied.

Determining the product dimensions and proportion through product image is indeed the most quickest and practical way. However in condition when you need the specific numbers, the product dimensions are described to has 6.00 inches in length, 3.75 inches in width as well as 4.12 inches in height; immediately following with product weight which is about 3.37 pounds.

For your information, the opt-in color designed for this product is Red & White, but there is chance for more up-date colors at the product website by using one of our button. Just try it out. Go here for even more accessible color styles

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