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Home » Ertl , Learning Curve , Toy , Toys And Games » Popular 1:64 John Deere 4320 And Blazer - Check It Out!

Popular 1:64 John Deere 4320 And Blazer - Check It Out!

I hardly ever question the capability of Ertl to deliver such a high-quality product such as this one. This product did have the potential and recognition in the Toys And Games category which is rather unsurprising for such a great product. On this particular site you'll find all the important information regarding the product, such as the lowest price deals, promising exclusive offer and definitely also include product basic information like description of product and features. Simply follow our presented link listed here.

By using the product picture, it is possible to evaluate the proportion and size of the product, although for the precise product dimensions, you should use this following number; Length:5.00 inches, Width:1.50 inches, Height:1.00 inches. The product specific weight is estimated for about , surely prior to packaged.

Based on Ertl statement, in the meantime, the existing product colour they offer is Multi Colored, although there's often possibility to bring more interesting color soon, in an effort to offer their customer with larger alternative. Check out for even more available colors

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