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Home » Ertl Collectibles , Toy , Toys And Games » Popular Ertl Collectibles 1:16 Red Chisel Plow - Available Now!

Popular Ertl Collectibles 1:16 Red Chisel Plow - Available Now!

Today, let us start our discussion regarding this Ertl Collectibles 1:16 Red Chisel Plow; generated from Ertl Collectibles, among the list of product which own the possibility to become a big hit in Toys And Games category. While we continue, you can find all the important information including product features along with quick description, the info about the cheapest price as well as possible discount, and so on. Just stick to the exclusive link we've provided.

Through the product picture, you can study the proportion and scale of the product, yet for the exact product sizing, be sure to use this following number; Length:18.00 inches, Width:11.13 inches, Height:2.55 inches. The product actual loads is calculated for approximately , surely prior to packaged.

Regarding the product colors, the offered color right now is Brown, although there is might be more upcoming colour selections later on. All you have to do is frequently check out at the product website via one of our button down below. Check here for more obtainable colors

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With regards to your convenience, it’s encouraged to use the add-to-cart features utilizing the Buy Button listed below, to make sure you do not lose track for this amazing product when you continue searching for another. It'll be hassle free since you can easily buy it anytime you want and it could definitely be taken out of your cart anytime.


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