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Home » Ertl Collectibles , Toy , Toys And Games » Top Ertl Collectibles 1:64 New HollAnd T9.670 Tractor P2070 Air Seeder P1060 Air Cart - Currently Available!

Top Ertl Collectibles 1:64 New HollAnd T9.670 Tractor P2070 Air Seeder P1060 Air Cart - Currently Available!

Our current review will be about this Ertl Collectibles innovation called Ertl Collectibles 1:64 New Holland T9.670 Tractor P2070 Air Seeder P1060 Air Cart. This is the amazing offering by Ertl Collectibles on the Toys And Games category. We'll try to search all the details concerning the product basic attribute, such as product colors, dimensions, etc; on purpose to provide a decent and unbiased study for you and all our loyal readers, so let us start shall we?

Regarding to the product size and dimensions, the following product features 2.90 inches in height, 13.38 inches in width and 19.00 inches in length and contains weight around . But make sure you also use the product image to determine the scale and proportion of the product outlined.

For your information, the opt-in color intended for this product is Brown, but there is prospect for additional up-date colours on the product webpage by following one of our button. Just try it out. Go here for more accessible colours

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To your benefits, it’s suggested to use the add-to-cart functions utilizing the Buy Button here, to make sure you do not lose track on this good product as you keep shopping for another. It'll be hassle-free since you can buy it whenever you want and it can definitely be pulled from your basket at any time.


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