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Well Built 1/25 Kenworth K123 Cabover - Grab It Now!

At this moment, we'll start our talk regarding this releases; provided by Amt Ertl, among the list of product that possess the possibility to become a success in Toys And Games category. While we continue, you'll discover all the information such as product characteristics along with short description, the info regarding the cheapest price and even possible price reduction, and so on. Just continue the special button we've supplied.

Calculating the product dimensions and proportion through product image is indeed the most fastest and practical option. However in the event when you need the specific numbers, the product dimension is described to carries 14.50 inches in length, 10.20 inches in width and then 3.60 inches in height; immediately following with product weight which is around 0.49 pounds.

As stated by the Amt Ertl, the color choices created for this product is Multi Colored, but make sure you also check the product website and see if there's any updated colour presented. Check out for even more available colors

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Using the Buy Button here, it's easy to put the product to your personal shopping cart and keep an eye on it on its best price tag. Don't get worried, no transactions would be done till you are ready and you can likewise remove it from your basket immediately whenever you believe that you are no more interested.


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